Facility service, Facility Solution, Cleaning Service, Security Service, Property Service, Support Service, Technical Service

IFS Promise to Our Client

Thailand’s best facility management services provider now goes by a new name: IFS. Until recently, our business was known to the world as ISS – a global organization founded in Denmark in 1901. Today, we bring clients the same world-class solutions, developed through more than a century of experience, under the IFS (Integrated Facility Solutions)…

Commercial Security Trends

Security technology for businesses has been developing new features, to create the best security system for businesses. IFS has outlined 5 key trends that will become the essential in commercial security: IoT IntegrationThe use of devices that can real time connect data via the Internet to enhance security service, such as camera systems or sensors.…

Sick Building Syndrome

Sick Building Syndrome is an unusual condition that often occurs among office workers who must stay in the building for a long time. The most common symptoms are headache, runny nose, eyes or nose irritation, itchy skin, fainting, nausea, fatigue, and drowsiness. Symptom start to get better when they are outside the building. Another risk…